Growing up with the girls

Created by Karen 8 years ago
If I close my eyes and think of Jacinta, I remember a wonderfully warm woman, with a striking natural beauty. I remember a mass of black wavy hair and beautiful eyes, which were full of kindness and a twinkle of mischief.

I grew up alongside Jacinta's eldest daughter, Dom, who was my best friend from an early age. I used to think it was such an adventure going to Dom's house as there was always something weird and wonderful going on. A house full of Jacinta, Dom, her 3 sisters, plus anyone else who happened to be visiting that day inevitably made for noise, chaos, arguments, laughter, music and food that I'd never experienced before! One of my earliest memories was helping them hunt for the family rabbit which had made a bid for freedom (probably trying to find a bit of peace!) and we later found him on the green across the road just minding his own business.

As I said, I do remember the mischievous side of Jacinta, particularly when me and Dom were growing up. I still remember her trying to talk with Dom about buying her first bra in front of me. Dom was absolutely mortified, which just resulted in Jacinta fueling the fire and continuing to gently tease her. I just thought how cool was Dom's Mum that she would just talk about bras like it was no big deal. What would be next?? Periods?!!

I also have an image of Jacinta as a kind of free spirit - her life had lots of ups and downs when Dom and I were of school age, however her positive approach would win through. She was bright, liberal, cared about the environment and about what was 'right', and wasn't afraid to be different. These values were also very apparent in Dom until she passed away and I have no doubt that the ethics that were at her core continue to live on through Lucy, Ginny and Gaby.

I know she has enriched and touched many lives outside of her immediate family, however my abiding memory of Jacinta is that of a Mum, a role that would never leave her even as her girls grew into independent women. I remember a story Dom told me when she was in hospital. Her illness and treatment meant that visitors were not able to bring in gifts such as flowers in case of infection. Dom told me that her Mum was undeterred by this and decorated her hospital room with tissue-paper flowers, which I know brought her a lot of joy. So simple and yet so touching.

Just a few of my many memories of a beautiful woman, who's legacy will remain alive through Lucy, Ginny and Gaby.

Much love,