Growing up knowing Jacinta

Created by Marc 7 years ago
Well what can I say about Jacinta except to say she had always seemed to be a happy constant in my life.

I first remember a very entertaining whirl wind dropping off one of the girls to one of my cousins birthday parties in the mid-eighties. I don’t recall which one, either cousin or daughter but I did know she was Dom’s mum and that meant something to me. From that moment I seemed to see her all the time because the age of her girls mirrored that of me & my family. From school fete’s to giving me a lift to catch a bus to visit Dom at Uni, Jacinta was part of my life for a very long time and some of the best years.
Always carrying a smile no matter what was happening to her, Jacinta was fun to be around. My memories are wide and numerous but a few include helping at youth club camps and being very understanding of a love struck 12 year old who could do nothing but follow her eldest, Dom around. She even helped to arrange the mini disco where we had our first kiss.
As I grew older and the Dom and Marc soap opera progressed she began to be a someone I really admired. Mainly because she was an excellent example of how to be a good person. I was always impressed with how she could see people’s feelings and empathise with anyone. How she would only rarely shout at Gin & Gab even when a mini war broke out over a toy when they were young. This is something I try to do today with my own girls but with less success.
On a culinary front having one or two nights a week round Dom's meant trying something not usually on the Langdon menu was the order of the day. This is when I met an Aubergine for the first time or discovered the delights of tuna on toast as a snack or full meal.
I can’t buy Aubergine’s today without remembering that moment where I had to ask what it was & while Dom and Lucy laughed Jacinta with a lovely smile elaborated. (And it won’t hurt you)
I think it was her 40th when a birthday ball was held at the athenaeum and I along with the girls I was taken to hire our Ball attire. She along with Dom’s help had me dressed up in bow tie & tails, a little self-conscious but I enjoyed the whole experience.

In Dom’s finals days Jacinta took the time to speak to me and even on that terrible morning she also spoke with me.
She didn’t need to do that, she was experiencing the worst day of her life yet she calmly spoke to me and showed true care and love for my feelings and my pain. Very few people in the world can be that wonderful in the face of such anguish.

Most of all we should remember how much fun it could be in Jacinta’s world. in the nicest possible way she was disorganised and could jump from one mission to another with effort less abandon yet be so true to her core values. Ones I know her girls carry forward. Having spoken to Gin I can hear her through the tone and words she’s uses. I know she would be so proud.
For my part I’m keen my girls enjoy music and learn to play a musical instrument because I saw how much it do for people on so many levels.

Even though I’d not seen Jacinta for many years I miss her today and know I always will. A truly wonderful much missed person who has left a hole in the world.

All My Love
